RudeOuts were an outgrowth of camping/fishing trips started by Jamie, Roy and another buddy (Tom Simanton) in the early 70's. We'd load a borrowed 12 ft rowboat in the back of Jamie's Universal Weed Service van, throw in a few six packs and take off for the lake.
The term 'Rude Out' was coined by an early participant, Rick Charter, who worked for Jamie at the weed service in the late 60's/early 70's. As word began to spread and more people became involved, the RudeOuts evolved into quite large gatherings of upwards of 75 people or so.
As you can see, from the outset, B.A.s (moons) are a common theme over the years. This was one of the first antics ever performed by Rude Out attendees. Ideas for the themes are bandied about toward the end of the previous year's event. Usually based on some type of popular culture or movie, Dan and Roy make the final decision in Jan or Feb and Dan starts on the artwork. He has been known to still be printing shirts the night before he leaves for the lake!
All Rude Outs from the beginning until about the mid-80s featured kegs of beer. We devised all manner of insulated containers to try to keep them (and the ice we hauled to the lake) cold for the whole weekend. Usually ,they were consumed fast enough that we didn't have to worry about that! At one Rude Out in the late 70's we had about 15 kegs!
The idea of having the event on Memorial Day weekend didn't really become permanent until 1982. Labor Day was kind of an alternative depending on what everybody's schedule was.
Roosevelt Lake has been the traditional location most often although San Carlos Lake was used as an alternate during the years when Roosevelt was so low there was no water in Mills Cove, the preferred campsite.
Several camp areas at Roosevelt have been used. Windy Hill, Horse Pasture, Cholla Bay, Grapevine and the all-time favorite (which is now inaccessible) Mills Cove. Since the dam was raised and fee-for-use camp areas were created, the event has been held at either Grapevine or Frazier Group Areas. Frazier has been the campground of choice since 2010 and we have occupied it for 8 of the last 10 years.

The original RudeOut in 1973. T-shirts were made using cut lacquer film screens in the bedroom of Roy's single-wide trailer in Douglas. Kegs played a predominant role in the early years.
Note the first RudeOut was on Labor Day.
Note the first RudeOut was on Labor Day.

This theme came from a combination of water skiing and streaking, both of which were popular activities at the RudeOut.

We reprised the keg theme since that was a major feature of early RudeOuts.

1976 was the country's Bicentennial and the RudeOut echoed the theme.

Some Ruders had suffered severe sunburns the previous year, so we decided this would be an appropriate theme.

This theme was an offshoot of McDonald's Fun Club, one of the marketing campaigns of the late seventies.

No RudeOut was held in 1979 due to the fact that we were hiding out from some bikers that had crashed us the previous year. Some of us might have done a trip to the Black River instead.

A take off on Fiesta de los Vaqueros, the annual Tucson Rodeo. Note that the event was held at San Carlos Lake.

Take off on Warner Brothers Looney Tunes. (note that Porky is "shooting a moon")

(10th year)
Popular movie of 1981-82 and kegs of beer which we had managed to
transport and keep cold for the entire weekend.
Popular movie of 1981-82 and kegs of beer which we had managed to
transport and keep cold for the entire weekend.

This theme came from the practice of lighting expelled flatus while sitting
around the campfire.
Caution! Do not try this at home!
around the campfire.
Caution! Do not try this at home!

Derived from the swamp-like conditions at the 1983 Rude Out. Due to heavy rains, the lake level has been so high that the road into Windy Hill was under water.
The graphic is pretty hard to see but that's supposed to be a "swamp thang" emerging from the lake. This was the first year that Dan took over screen printing the shirts, allowing more detailed images.
Derived from the swamp-like conditions at the 1983 Rude Out. Due to heavy rains, the lake level has been so high that the road into Windy Hill was under water.
The graphic is pretty hard to see but that's supposed to be a "swamp thang" emerging from the lake. This was the first year that Dan took over screen printing the shirts, allowing more detailed images.

Self explanatory. The tradition of trying to get newbies to puke at sometime
during the weekend may have started here.
during the weekend may have started here.

Dan's interpretation of one of the most-recognized band logos in the rock era, John Pasche's "Tongue and Lips" design that was first introduced in 1971 as part of a record package including the Rolling Stones' "Sticky Fingers" album.

Not sure of the thinking behind this theme ("Grobstaus" is RudeOut in German). First Rude Out shirt to use the "puffed ink" technique for the beer foam.

Take off on popular Max Headroom commercials. This plays on another popular Rude Out activity... puking!

The "Jaws, Just when you thought it was safe..." sequel was popular that year.

Got the idea from the Club Med resorts that were advertising heavliy at the

From Teen-aged Mutant Ninja Turtles that were the rage in the early
nineties. The movie title was "The Secret of the Ooze".
nineties. The movie title was "The Secret of the Ooze".

(20th year)
A collage of graphics from the previous 19 years. You have to
look close to see some of them.
A collage of graphics from the previous 19 years. You have to
look close to see some of them.

Take off on the U.S. Marines slogan "A Few Good Men".

Take off on the MTV animated Ren and Stempy cartoons.

Take off on the Jurassic Park movie.

No theme. Dan must have been losing interest after all these years.

25th anniversary. Take off on Anheiser Busch's Budman character from the '70s that was making a comeback. Also a reference to the Rude Out staple:

'Rudezilla' was a takeoff on Godzilla, the remake movie that was hot in
'98, again using the puking theme.
'98, again using the puking theme.

The Rat was Dan's idea to pay homage to Ed Roth's Rat Fink. The slogan 'Ekin R, Bubba' was a combination of a popular profane slogan: 'F*ckin' A' and the self-realization movement, Ekankar which was being practiced by one of our attendees the previous year. And you thought we just sat around and got drunk!

A reprise of Rudeman ('97) and Blue Flame Festival ('83) and a take off on the 'Got Milk?' advertising slogan.

The first and most popular of the reality TV shows debuted the year before. The
parodies of Outhink, Outplay, Outlast seemed to fit perfectly with the
RudeOut mantra.
parodies of Outhink, Outplay, Outlast seemed to fit perfectly with the
RudeOut mantra.

The 30th Annual. A combination of Dos Equis Mexican beer and the Super Bowl XXX logo.

Dan's idea because of the huge poplarity of the SpongeBob Square Pants character and mass marketing. We incorporated another RudeOut activity; firewalking.

Bad Hobbits, inspired by the Lord Of The Rings craze.

Lake Shore Crappers, a take off on Jessie James' West Coast Choppers TV show.

Rude Olympics, a take off on the 2006 Summer Olympics

Rude Moon, our interpretation of Blue Moon, one of the popular Belgian-style wheat beers.

Rude Hooters, inspired by our Board Meeting that was held at Hooter's that spring, also reflects the aging anatomy of most of our attendees.

Stimulus Package. Our version of President Obama's failed economic stimulus package.

Dan's idea of grafitti.

Letters made up of butts.

Occupy Frazier (40th year) The 1985 logo was reprised for a take off on the Occupy Wall Street movement and the fact we had regained our reservation at Frazier Group Site after being shut out for two years.

A take-off on Dos Equis' Most Interesting Man In The World.
It is the first shirt to feature an actual image of a Rude Out'er.
Stay Rude, My Friends!
It is the first shirt to feature an actual image of a Rude Out'er.
Stay Rude, My Friends!

This design is a take-off off on the summer block-buster Jurasic World and reprises the dinosaur on the 1995 shirt.

A tribute to long-time friend and Ruder, Bill Pritzen, who left us a month after the 2015 Rude Out.

The 45th Rude Out. Homage to Colt 45 Malt Liquor.
The 46th Rude Out. Take off on Route 66. This was Dan's last artwork.

47th Rude Out. A tribute to another Ruder who left us too soon. Dan passed away on May 4, 2019.

No Rude Out this year due to Covid-19 Pandemic. This shirt was designed by Steve and Fina.

48th RudeOut. Honoring one of the OG Ruders!

49th RudeOut. June 2-5, Roosevelt Lake.
First artwork done by a second generation Ruder!
49th RudeOut. June 2-5, Roosevelt Lake.
First artwork done by a second generation Ruder!

50th RudeOut. Memorial Day, Roosevelt Lake.
Made it to a half-century!
Artwork and design by Dan's son, Ryan.
50th RudeOut. Memorial Day, Roosevelt Lake.
Made it to a half-century!
Artwork and design by Dan's son, Ryan.